Fire Resistant Cables

Firecel SR 114H


Insulation Overall
Screen 300/500 V
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Firecel SR 114H


Mica/Silicone Insulation
Insulation Overall
Screen 300/500 V
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Cables FIRECEL SR are designed to work also during the fire. The emission of smoke in this situation is free from corrosive gas and they have low density to guarantee people safety and protection for equipments.


  • Hotels
  • Theatres and cinemas
  • Museums
  • Hospitals
  • Shopping centres
  • Skyscrapers
  • Offices
  • Schools
  • Airports
  • Undergrounds and tunnels
  • Railways stations
  • Computer centres
  • Alarm systems
  • Traffic control systems
  • Fire fighting systems


Cables are designed, manufactured and tested according to the following standards:

  • BS
  • IEC
  • EN
  • DIN
  • NBN

And others if required.

Laboratory for fire tests

Cavicel has an equipped laboratory to carry out all fire tests. They can be as follows:

  • Fire resistance
  • Fire and water resistance
  • Fire and mechanical shocks resistance
  • Smoke density
  • Gas evolved during combustion
  • Fire and flame propagation
  • Oxygen index